Monday 16 May 2011


Activating mutations in RAF-MEK-ERK pathway are found commonly in more than 30% human tumours and 40% of melanoma. As a result, manipulation of the pathway and the factors involved in can give hugh therapeutic effects. In this blog, we will provide new insights into therapeutic use of ATP-competitive RAF inhibitors.

We broke the whole scientific paper into 4 experimental aspects, from generic sense to much more specific aspects. Following the experimental parts, we also give a mechanism and some therapeutic uses at the end.

4 experimental aspects:
1. ATP-competitive RAF inhibitors have two opposing mechanisms of action depending on cellular context.

2. Interpreting the activity of BRAF and CRAF.
3. Inhibitor binding activate wild-type RAF isoforms by inducing dimerization, membrane localization and interaction with RAS-GTP.
4. The downstream signaling is kinase-activity independent and links to direct conformational effects of inhibitors on the RAF kinase domain.



  1. a good start. maybe add a bit more prose content to experiment sections. look forward to seeing finished product

  2. the font is really small, i'm not sure if it's just on my browser/computer. the point form also makes it a little hard to follow sometimes?

    great use of pictures though!

  3. Looking good so far. I think the font size is a bit small. Some of the numbers and words on the figures are also a little hard to see/read.

  4. Hey Wendy and James! I really liked the layout of your Blog site and it's in a very nice order to follow. I also like how you've summarised the experiments separately and included a conclusion for them. Perhaps put some of the information in bullet points just to neaten it up? And have the title of the experiement on the tabs so the reader knows what they're about to encounter when they click on it. Well done :)

  5. Definitely on the right track at the moment, and the experiments are well explained! Maybe a little more work on design as some figures etc. are hard to read, but the order and logical layout works well. I guess you will have a summary once its finished? The tab titles are slightly confusing as to which tabs related to which experiments.

  6. The design could be a little more cohesive e.g. all pages could be in the same font type and size. In general the paper has been well summarised and a good introduction!
